Love & Happiness - the Basis of Home
You may be familiar with that feeling of something frustrating in your home that you’ve had to put up with for years. Maybe your dishwasher doesn’t work quite properly, or there isn’t enough space in your laundry room, or the screen door never gets fixed. Think about how these frustrations have impacted your everyday life.
Now think about what your life would be like if instead of frustration you had love!
Love and Happiness can intentionally be designed into your home!
In this blog, I discuss the intrinsic need for every human to give and receive love. I show you how to design love and happiness right into your life. See my examples below of homes designed with love.

The Law of Love
The Dalai Lama explains that our need for love is due to our inextricable interdependence as a species. This interdependence is a fundamental law of nature and can most easily be seen in the behavior of animals. All social creatures of this planet depend on their interconnectedness to one another for survival. Mutual cooperation is what maintains the stability and success of the animal kingdom.
We, the species of Homo sapiens, are members of the animal kingdom and so, too, the rule applies to us. Because we are dependent on one another for survival we inherently have a deep-seated need to give and receive love.
Love is the glue that keeps humanity together!

Humans are Hardwired to Love
The concept of needing love to survive is generally accepted for babies and young children. Countless studies have proven the psychological impact of love, affection, and touch from a parent on the mental and emotional development and wellbeing of a growing child.
As a child ages, a shift occurs. The primary focus of the parent/child dynamic shifts with a focus on external accomplishments like behavior, grades, college, and career. There is nothing wrong with this scenario. It’s all part of the human condition. It’s what’s necessary to mold children into successful contributing members of society.
And yet, when this shift takes place, there is a subconscious message relayed that love and affection are no longer viewed as physiological needs. Often, love becomes merely a desire, perhaps something the child is fortunate to have or must survive without.
As a result, some children may grow into teenagers who struggle to find love for themselves, giving in to peer pressure and often times settling for relationships with people who don’t love them. They grow into adults who don’t prioritize their own feelings of love and affection, and the cycle continues to the next generation.
I’m here to speak to the children who have grown into adults who could use some help rediscovering and fulfilling their need for love and happiness!

Love Creates Happiness
A major determining factor of our happiness is whether we feel loved and cared for.
A common misconception is that the feeling of love is only obtainable when received from another person.
Psychology Today points out that the sensation of love is just as powerful when it is GIVEN to others.
By creating habits of generosity and performing loving acts towards another, you perform magic!
- You create feelings of love and also care for yourself when you love another.
- What goes around, comes around. You attract more loving people into your life when you act from a place of love.
- The subconscious narrative you tell yourself shifts to one that allows you to love more freely.
Choosing to be generous communicates to your subconscious that you have everything you need with enough left over to give away. This simple story is SO powerful that, given time, your mind shifts from a scarcity mentality to an abundance mentality.
An abundance mentality allows you to see possibilities where you may not have seen them before. You see love where it may not have been before. You express love in ways you were not able to before. You discover your power to create a life inspired by you, full of creativity, inspiration, love, and happiness: a YOU-Inspired Life!

It Starts with the Self
NONE of this is possible if you don’t have self-love first!
Love for self is the foundation on which ALL your relationships rest upon: relationships with family, friends, coworkers, significant others, and your relationships with money, career, food, and HOME!
The way we feel about ourselves dictates EVERY decision we make throughout our day.
What is Self-Love?
Self-love requires getting to know oneself intimately. Only once you truly KNOW yourself can you navigate your life with ease, including:
- Acknowledging, respecting, and honoring your desires, struggles, fears, and joy. These are the parts of you that make you YOU.
- Respecting your own well-being and choosing the things that support your physical, psychological, and spiritual growth.
- Taking care of yourself first and always. It’s honoring your own value. It is not sacrificing your well-being for the benefit of another. It is not settling for less than you deserve.
- Allowing yourself to seek and find beauty, ease, comfort, love, and happiness.
With self-love, your life is authored and inspired by YOU!

A Love-Giving Loop Takes Place at Home
What would your life FEEL like if you had spaces to do the things you REALLY love: a quiet private space for reading, a sacred studio to practice yoga or meditation, a room dedicated to your craft whatever that may be, or even a spacious and organized kitchen that would allow you to have fun and really get creative with your cooking?

To say “yes” to what your soul REALLY wants is to express love for yourself.
We all have ideas programmed into our mind of what a home should be, what it should look like, how it should function, and the role it plays as a shelter. These ideas are usually founded on what home looked like and was modeled for us in childhood.
We may have been told “Be grateful for what you have” and therefore, you continually remind yourself, “I should be grateful for what I have.” Though gratitude is a beautiful way to approach life, it can also be limiting and subconsciously create a ceiling for your potential if you don’t also allow yourself to imagine and dream BIG.
We’ve all heard the term “getting settled into a home”. Settling into a home should not mean “settling” for things that bring us anything other than love and happiness.
It’s my intention to break through the ceiling you place on yourself. I aspire to hold your hand through the design process and show you, by example, that you deserve SO much more than you realize.
When you allow yourself to design the home of YOUR dreams, you willingly step into your power! You become the author of your life! You subconsciously tell yourself that you are worth it! You FEEL good, and from good feelings all good things flow to you like a magnet!
Say YES to designing in the spaces that foster deep-rooted love for yourself. Allow your home to support you in ways you’ve never experienced. Let your love of self fill you up so it can overflow into all other areas of your life. From here you will be able to love others more fully. And they will love you more fully in return.
Design Your Home for Love & Happiness
What spaces would make your heart sing?

Do you love to paint, craft, or create beautiful things?

Do you have collections of things you love?

Are you a sun worshiper or a lover of the outdoors?

Or are you more comfortable in the temperature controlled indoors?

Does your family love to eat meals together?

Does your family have children to care for?

Do you want to share your love of cooking with the whole family?

Will you need guest bedrooms for loved ones to stay for extended periods of time?

Share the Love
This world could use a lot more love and happiness. As seekers of change, it’s our mission to create a paradigm shift for living and we believe it all starts at HOME! Let’s design a life worth living and relationships worth loving!
I intend you invite LOVE to come HOME and cultivate a life of HAPPINESS!
Inspired by YOU,